easyMarkets: Forex Prohibitions and Penalties Is hedging possible? A thorough explanation of precautions and safety


This article will explain the professional reputation and reviews of easyMarkets FX, including withdrawal refusals. is a famous FX broker with which traders from all over the world trade every day. Traders must abide by the terms of use when actually using the service. If you violate these terms, you run the risk of being penalized, so be careful.

About easyMarkets features and functions

easyMarkets was founded in 2001 and has added many features since then. You can start trading immediately by uploading your certificate (driver’s license, passport), completing the document submission, and activating it. You can also create additional accounts. It also has a financial license and is regulated, so it is reliable. Compared to gemforex, ironfx, bigboss, exness, axiory, xm, fbs, etc., it has a richer overall service.

maximum leverage

The maximum leverage is 400x, allowing for fairly high-risk trades. Furthermore, as introduced on the official website, there is also a VIP service where traders can receive generous customer support. Support can be contacted via chat or email. Unique features such as dealcancellation and easytrade are also provided.

Abundant account types

There are various types such as standard accounts and premium accounts, and pips and spreads range from narrow to wide, fixed to floating. In addition, MT4 and MT5 are available as platforms, and indicators and chart analysis are also possible. There are also demo accounts and corporate accounts. You can also trade currency pairs, gold and silver. No slippage or contract rejection will occur.

Loss cut and zero cut

If you incur a loss, the stop-loss limit will apply. If the balance becomes negative, the zero cut system will be applied without margin call. You can reduce risk. There are many financial products available, and the advantage is that automatic trading is possible, as well as scalping and double trading. You can enter many lots and hold many positions. Swap points occur when the day passes.

Many deposit and withdrawal methods

There are many deposit and withdrawal methods. We also accept bank transfer, stickpay, credit card, Bitcoin, etc. Bonuses and campaigns, as well as cashback and points are held, and there are quite a lot of promotions, and there is a cushion function, so you can trade with just the bonus as margin.

Full of support

Investors will receive support to the extent permissible, such as account login, profile and My Page operations, investment questions, document submission when opening an account, taxation, password settings, demo accounts, etc., depending on the purpose and conditions. You can contact us. In some cases, you can also check with VIP services. There is also a detailed guide on the official website.

Prohibited matter

At easyMarkets, you can’t do anything at all. Therefore, as officially announced, there are prohibited actions, so please refrain from doing the following. Please note that if you do this without complete knowledge, there is a disadvantage of freezing your account. Be especially careful if you use automatic trading tools or EAs to maintain your trades. If you unknowingly engage in prohibited trades, your account may be checked and your account suspended. If this happens, you will not be able to send money.


easyMarkets does not prohibit hedging. However, arbitrage is prohibited. easyMarkets considers arbitrage to be an abuse of the trading service, and if it is discovered, some kind of penalty or account freezing may be imposed. Currently, few people do this, but if you start doing it, you will be penalized. Please manage each one carefully from the first time. Please make sure to thoroughly check the latest version of the applicable specific rules.

Trades that put a load on the server

Trading that puts a strain on the server is not allowed. There are many traders trading on the same server. For example, if you make a huge number of trades in a very short period of time, it will inevitably put a large strain on the server. This is prohibited. Nowadays, transaction costs are set and low, so you don’t have to worry. You can trade on these markets using apps or PCs, so the environment and system are quite well-developed.

Takeover of another user’s account

Taking over another user’s account and stealing funds is a crime. Therefore, users who do this will definitely have their accounts frozen. Today’s FX brokers have strong security measures, but these types of incidents do happen often. In the end, they are identified and punished. For reference, it seems that there have been one or two cases in the past. Please read the EasyMarket terms and conditions carefully at the very least when you are doing this.

Holding multiple accounts

easyMarkets’ operating company does not allow multiple target accounts to be held at the same time. Each person can only have one account for each type, and new account opening procedures cannot be performed. Use technical analysis in advance to make a well-founded entry and focus on one to aim for a positive result. You can trade in instant units. You will not be blamed unless you make inappropriate or excessive trades. Your profits and losses should be positive.

copy trade

easyMarkets does not allow copy trading. Copy trading is a method that imitates the entry and exit procedures of experienced traders. easyMarkets only allows automatic trading or discretionary trading on your own. Depending on the category and product, there are many opportunities with stable and high leverage.

Trade aiming to open the window

According to the investigation, trading by watching the situation every Monday and aiming to open a gap is considered a malicious act and is prohibited. Opening and filling gaps are not allowed. From my experience, it is easy to make a profit, but it is easy to attract the attention of management and there is a high risk. Similar trades using a large amount of margin are dangerous. Be careful how you use it.

Trading destiné uniquement aux indicateurs

According to easyMarkets information, trading at the time of the announcement of major economic indicators is prohibited. Trading only at the time of the announcement of indicators is prohibited, so please refrain from doing so. However, the fees are low and there are few restrictions overall, so it is a recommended broker. A recommended company in Japan where beginners can open an account for free. It also deals in virtual currencies, and is popular and highly ranked. It is also popular because you can easily place orders from the rate.

Both buildings are OK

easyMarkets does not prohibit double denominations. The ability to trade in both positions allows traders to have a wider range of trading strategies. Bilateral trading refers to holding a “buy position” and “sell position” for the same currency pair at the same time. By holding them at the same time, no matter which direction the price moves, it will be plus or minus zero. Generally speaking, you should cut your losses quickly and hold the other profitable one for a long time.

Scalping is also OK

easyMarkets also allows scalping. Scalping is a trade in which the time from entry to exit is about a few seconds, and traders usually concentrate on short-term trading to obtain profits in the shortest possible time. There are many FX brokers that prohibit scalping, but easyMarkets allows it, so it’s okay to do it openly. Be careful as margin calls will be triggered if you hold too large a position in a long-term trade.

Automatic trading is OK

Automated trading is permitted. Automated trading, as the name suggests, does not require a human to enter the trade, and the trade is left to the AI. However, since there is no thinking involved in automatic trading, there are many people who lose a lot of money and lose all their money, so I cannot recommend it. Even if the content is OK, be aware that if you start buying and selling products endlessly on the market, it will put a load on the server. Set it up yourself and avoid unnecessary trades.

Violation cases and solutions

If you violate the above prohibitions, your account may be frozen. If your account is frozen, you will not be able to deposit or withdraw money. There is nothing more the user can do in this case. Instead, you will need to negotiate with the support center. Whether it can be canceled depends on negotiation. If you cannot cancel, you will not be able to withdraw from your existing account, so give up and use another broker.


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