

IronFX: IronFX account opening, deposit bonus cushion function, campaign summary and thorough explanation

IronFX holds many bonuses and campaigns on a daily basis. IronFX not only offers deposit bonuses and sharing bonuses, but also holds limited-time trading contests, so it can be said to be a very attractive Fx broker for active traders.

IronFX: Introducing and explaining how to open an additional IronFX account and the process

At IronFX, you can create an account, but there is not only one account that can be used. Since it is possible to create additional accounts, you can add more and more and operate multiple accounts. I will explain how to create an additional account.

IronFX: What is the Affiliate Program? Overseas FX IB Partner Rewards

IronFX has an affiliate program. We will explain IB rewards and introductions. Affiliate marketing is free with IronFX, so beginners and experienced traders can start with no risk. Generally, it takes more than six months to a year to earn money through affiliate marketing, but it is recommended for those who want to earn money steadily.

IronFX: Trading hours and supported days of the week

When you open an IronFX account, you cannot simply trade anytime, for free. The hours during which you can trade are determined by the products you handle. Here we will introduce the hours during which you can actually trade with IronFX.

IronFX: Introducing and explaining IronFX’s leverage restrictions, regulatory rules, rate changes, stop loss and maximum lot size

IronFX allows you to trade with up to 1000x leverage, so it can be said to be a fairly high leverage broker. Therefore, you can trade even with a small amount, so you can feel safe, but be careful as leverage varies depending on the trading stock and account type.

IronFX: Is there a way to make the account dormant, restore it, or cancel it?

I think it is common that after opening an IronFX account, you try trading without cancelling it, but then forget about the account operations. What happens if you leave your IronFX account abandoned? Is it possible to trade again?

IronFX: Prohibited acts in overseas FX and account freezing Are double-denomination, arbitrage, and automatic trading prohibited? Reason explanation

IronFX is an FX company that offers account bonuses and accepts many trading methods. However, some users may violate the terms of service and commit illegal acts. In that case, in the worst case scenario, your account may be frozen and you may not be able to trade again, so be careful.

IronFX: What is copy trading? Explanation of the features of Iron FX and how to trade with your account.

IronFX has copy trading and trading, and the article summarizes the trading methods and benefits for traders. Copy trading is one of the account types, but it is clearly different from other account types. Other account types are introduced in the article below, so if you are interested, please take a look.