XM Trading: Affiliate, IB Partner FAQ


XM has an affiliate program. I have a lot of questions about doing these things, so I’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions. I have compiled a collection of questions that can be used as a reference for those who are starting XM affiliates and those who have already started, so I hope you can refer to it.

Please tell me how to start XM affiliate

To get started as an affiliate, you must first apply. Please refer to the following article for the method and procedure.

What is an XM Partner?

It is an affiliate program that introduces XM and earns rewards. When you register as a partner of XM, a special link will be issued, and a part of the commission of traders who open an account through that link will be paid to the partner.

Can I self-affiliate?

XM prohibits self-affiliation. So please do not self-affiliate. In the unlikely event that it is discovered, there is a possibility that the registration will be canceled.

Will I be taxed on my affiliate commission?

takes. If you earn more than a certain amount with XM affiliate, you need to file a tax return and pay taxes.

How can I withdraw my affiliate commission?

Affiliate rewards will be transferred to MyWallet. After that, you can transfer it from your wallet to your bank account or transfer it to your trading account.

Will affiliates be rewarded for trading on additional accounts?

XM Affiliates will also generate affiliate commissions for trading with additional accounts.

Are XM affiliates illegal in Japan?

It’s not illegal. XM affiliates are illegal in two cases: directly soliciting the use of XM, and providing advice on investment and trading at salons and SNS groups, etc., on the condition that an account is opened from an affiliate link.

Can my affiliate level be lowered?

is not. However, only the VIP level may be downgraded to the Platinum level if no rewards have been generated for several months.

When do affiliate commissions accrue?

The timing of the affiliate’s reward is “when the trader who opened the account via the affiliate link closes the position”.

As an affiliate, will my family members be able to trade as traders?

Even if a family member opens an account via an affiliate link and trades, a reward will be generated.

Are affiliate and friend referral programs the same thing?

The XM Affiliate and Refer a Friend Program are two different things.

Do affiliate commissions accrue even if the trader is using an automated trading system?

Affiliate rewards are also generated for trades by EA (automatic trading system).

Do affiliates have to partner with an ASP?

XM Affiliates do not need to be affiliated with an ASP, they are contracted directly with XM.

Who can I contact regarding the affiliate program?

At XM, after registering a partner account, a dedicated manager will support the partner. Please check the information of the dedicated manager from the partner management screen.

Where can I get my affiliate link?

Affiliate link can be obtained from partner management screen. Click the “Links” tab on the partner management screen to view affiliate links for various pages.

Is it possible to register different email addresses for partner account and real account?

You cannot use different email addresses for partner accounts and real accounts. XM requires you to register with one email address, and be sure to register your XM partner account with the same email address.

Where can I find my login information for the partner page?

First, you need to apply for the partner program. You will then receive your login ID within an email with the subject line “Welcome to the XM Trading Partner Program”. The password is the password that was set when the partner account was registered.

What is a sub-affiliate?

Sub-affiliate is a system where partners get paid for referring other partners to XM. 10% of the remuneration earned by sub-partners through affiliate activities will be paid to partners as sub-affiliate remuneration.

Do I need proof documents to register a partner account?

XM requires submission of ID and proof of current address to register a partner account. Identification documents such as driver’s licenses and passports with a photo of the face, and current address certificates such as utility bills and resident cards issued within the last three months, and public institutions issued within the last year. Please submit tax notices issued by


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