HFM (former HotForex): Can’t order MT4/MT5, line interruption Solution


At HF Markets, you will mainly trade using MT4, MT5, or even a web terminal made by the company. However, you may not be able to trade because you cannot place an order or the line is not connected. Here’s an article about the solution.

How to set up MT4/MT5/WebTerminal

Please refer to the article below for information on how to set up, install, and download trade tools. HFM provides it for free, and you can download it by simply clicking on the screen page. MT is essential and in high demand at overseas Forex companies. You can choose between MT4 and MT5, but be sure to learn how to use them. There are only 3 types, and it is easy to operate.

A must-have tool for overseas Forex companies

The platforms MT4 and MT5 are essential tools for overseas Forex companies. MT5 is also used by titanfx, fxdd, bigboss, exness, milton, fxgt, xm, etc., and is essential if you want to do FX. You can specify a price and place a new market, limit, or stop order, and you can also set stop loss automatically. There are also plenty of charts and indicators. Candlestick and quote settings are also easy. You can also contact administrative support. You can trade on either your smartphone or PC.

Can hold multiple positions

HFM has a maximum leverage of 2000x and additional swap points. You have a high degree of freedom as you can hold multiple positions. There is also a calculation tool on the official website, which will calculate the amount with detailed settings. You can also develop your trading strategy. Since the leverage is large, it is basically easy to manage, and the margin is small, making trading convenient.

Abundant trading products

HFM has a wide variety of products. Not only FX currency pairs, but also precious metals, energy, stocks, stock indexes, virtual currencies, etc. can be traded 24 hours a day. Furthermore, you can easily trade successfully on Android etc.

Why can’t I place an order and how to fix it

If you can not trade with MT4 or MT5, most of the cases apply to the following patterns. Let’s see if any of these apply to you.

Wrong input of login information

In order to actually trade, you must first log in. All you need is your ID, password, and server name. If all three are not met, you cannot trade. Both have been sent to the registered email address when opening a trading account, so please check it. If you lose it, you can reconfirm it by contacting the support center.

Internet connection problem

Even if it is a PC version or a smartphone, you can not trade in the first place if the Internet line is not connected. If it says something like “line out of service”, that’s exactly what it is. Please check with your provider first.

firewall and security software

Even if the Internet line is connected, it may be a firewall and security software problem. It is possible that these softwares have been automatically activated and shut out. Try turning off these software and see if you can connect.

Outside trading hours

With the exception of cryptocurrencies, there are no stocks that can be traded all year round. Most stocks are closed on weekends and holidays, but trading hours are mainly weekdays only. You cannot make payments or place orders outside trading hours.

old version

Please check the version of MT4 or MT5 you are using. In the first place, it is often the case that old versions cannot be traded. The latest version can be found by searching on the Internet, so update immediately.

Insufficient funds

In the first place, if there is no balance in the account, you cannot trade. You cannot trade without making a deposit first. Also, if the margin is insufficient, you will not be able to trade, so be careful. Even if the margin is insufficient, please deposit or lower the lot.


The MT app may freeze due to a problem such as a program error. In the case of MT4, network development has ended, so there is no possibility of it being improved. However, in the case of MT5, updates are made from time to time, so we recommend trading with the latest version as much as possible.

important economic indicators

When major economic indicators occur, the market becomes quite volatile. Even if you try to enter an entry, it will often fail. This is because there are so many orders that your order will be refused. Therefore, you have no choice but to enter after you have time.

Wrong account type

If you have the wrong account type, it is natural, but you cannot trade. You won’t even be able to log in. The ID, password, and server name are different depending on the account, so be sure to check them before logging in.

Mistakes between MT4 and MT5

HF Markets offers two versions of each account type: MT4 and MT5. Even if you try to log in to your MT5 account with your MT4 ID and password, you will not be able to trade. Please check your account information.

archive account

Archive accounts are considered dormant and cannot be traded. You can trade again by reviving it. An account will be moved to the archive if it has not traded for 60 days or more. The same applies if your account is frozen. Please refer to the following articles.


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